Title: Lost Pairing: Heechul/Kyuhyun Word Count: 461 Theme: 050. Lost Heechul/Kyuhyun Summary: Kyuhyun's on his way to Hankyung's when he finds himself lost. Cue Heechul to the rescue.
Title: Full of Doubts Pairing: Sungmin/Eunhyuk Word Count: 545 Theme: 087. Belief Sungmin/Eunhyuk Summary: Eunhyuk's filled with doubts that don't seem to be going away. Sungmin tries his best to help.
Title: Take off the blindfold Pairing: Hankyung/Yesung Word Count: 433 Theme: 003. Blindfolds, Hankyung/Yesung Summary: Sometimes you need to take off the blindfold and see what’s around you. You might not like the results but it’ll make you a better person in the end. Or in this case, lead you to somewhere better.
Title: With all the people Pairing: Hankyung/Donghae Word Count: 304 Theme: 039. All the People Hankyung/Donghae Summary: With all the people around, do you think you’d ever get lonely?
Title: Alone Pairing: Ryeowook/Ryeowook Word Count: 779 Theme: 017. Accidents Ryeowook/Ryeowook Summary: Left alone to himself…it’s a dark world out there… (idk what kind of summary this is)
Title: A Dark Soul Pairing: Leeteuk/Sungmin Word Count: 397 Theme: 007. Dark Eeteuk/Sungmin Summary: It’s dark in Sungmin’s soul meaning he needs a wake-up call from someone…an angel named Leeteuk.
Title: Tears Pairing: Yesung/Siwon Word Count: 430 Theme: 023. Tears Yesung/Siwon Summary: Yesung’s been left again and wonders what he’s doing wrong. (sorry, bad summary)